October 24, 2011
October 22, 2011
October 16, 2011
Fwd: Steel City Derby Demon's Referees are Guest Bartending!
Look ma I typed this all by myself!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Sean McCarthy <jesterscourttattoos@gmail.com>
Date: October 16, 2011 6:38:02 PM EDT
To: ERIN <erinsherlock@gmail.com>, Pam Ellis <whambampam77@yahoo.com>, Zimmie <emailzimmie@gmail.com>, Hair Friends Oakland <moedonno@gmail.com>, melissa roos <frogsonme@yahoo.com>, Suzzane Fauker <lollipopbitchdr@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fwd: Steel City Derby Demon's Referees are Guest Bartending!
Look ma I typed this all by myself!
Begin forwarded message:From: Sean McCarthy <jesterscourttattoos@gmail.com>
Date: October 16, 2011 3:33:57 PM EDT
To: Michael Patrick Martin <deathbymp@gmail.com>, Jerry Davidson <seamonkeysuicide@hotmail.com>, danielle hartwoodacres miles <dmiles013@verizon.net>, Dewey <grderewecki@verizon.net>
Subject: Fwd: Steel City Derby Demon's Referees are Guest Bartending!
Look ma I typed this all by myself!
Begin forwarded message:From: Sean McCarthy <jesterscourttattoos@gmail.com>
Date: October 16, 2011 9:58:38 AM EDT
To: Heather Adams <heather412lynn@aol.com>, Ricky Alzate <beyondhatred138@aol.com>, Accountant Traci muller <tlmuller@yahoo.com>, Andy Yoder newest <inkbyandy@gmail.com>, Amanda Dugan <hrtbrkr2012@yahoo.com>, Adam Suchta <A.Suchta@am-arch.com>, anthony Scarehouse <shmee22@mail.com>, Rachael A Vermillion <vermilra@exchptc1.switch.com>, neil armstrong <geninx3m2@yahoo.com>, Sir Speedy 3614 Forbes Ave Oakl <sirspeedy@choiceonemail.com>
Subject: Steel City Derby Demon's Referees are Guest Bartending!From: Barnaby Brown <barnaby.brown@gmail.com>
Date: October 15, 2011 5:41:15 PM EDT
To: "jesterscourttattoos@gmail.com" <jesterscourttattoos@gmail.com>
Subject: ref bar
Come join the SCDD Refs and Officials as we turn in our whistles and serve up drinks and food at Sidelines in Millvale.
Our occasional home-away-from-home, Sidelines has an extensive beer selection and possibly the best wings in the Pittsburgh area.
Please take some time out of your busy Monday night schedule to come and support us as we enter their Guest Bartending competition. If we win, proceeds will go towards insurance, gear, and travel for all the SCDD refs into the 2012 season. If we lose... well at least there are tips, and you enjoyed some great food and drink.
We'll be serving from 8pm until closing time.
Check out the specials:
October 15, 2011
October 13, 2011
Fwd: New Nightmare Masquerade
Look ma I typed this all by myself!
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Double Wide Grill" <promotions@doublewidegrill.com>
Date: October 13, 2011 12:41:12 PM EDT
To: jesterscourttattoos@gmail.com
Subject: New Nightmare Masquerade
The Double Wide Grill Presents...
Nightmare Masquerade!
Featuring a Live Performance by
Guitar Zack and the Daves
Friday, October 21st, 9:30
Come and enjoy an incredible Rock & Roll show with spooky fun all night long!
Costume Contest!
Nosferatu Beer Specials!
Worst Tattoo Competition!
Win a $50 Jester's Court gift card,
(to help get you sorted out!)
Don't forget to 'like' us on
Facebook & follow us on Twitter!
Special Thanks to our sponsors,
Great Lakes Brewing Co. & Jester's Court Tattoo:
The Double Wide Grill
24th & E. Carson St
Phone: 412.390.1111
Email: info@doublewidegrill.com
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